How to Figure Out What Motivates Others

Great leaders recognize the significance of motivation as a crucial aspect of workplace success. They understand that everyone has unique drives and interests to nurture within them. An effective way to motivate your team is by understanding what inspires them and asking about their most awe-inspiring experiences. This is a…

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How to Cope With the Loneliness of Leadership

Uncomfortably resides the head that wears the crown, and leaders often find themselves fighting loneliness. Loneliness can impede their effectiveness as leaders as well as cause issues within their teams. New leaders often feel isolated while learning their roles and can feel overwhelmed. There are, however, ways of combatting loneliness…

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The Truth About Leadership

Kouzes and Posner offer ten time-tested fundamental truths of leadership that remain universal, no matter the circumstance or situation. Their lessons apply equally to new leaders as to experienced ones. Truth #1: Leadership starts with believing you can make a difference, then building trust by cultivating credibility to inspire a…

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The Dose Of Leadership Podcast

Dose Of Leadership is an incredible podcast that shares leadership lessons from all areas, such as celebrities, military heroes and business people. Patrick Lencioni’s podcasts for young entrepreneurs can be an invaluable source of support and advice. Covering all topics related to business, Lencioni provides invaluable advice that’s easy for…

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Spend Your Time Feeding Your Soul

No one can sell their soul to attain material success; but by engaging in spiritual self-care practices you can nurture it and provide nourishment to it. Helping others, practicing gratitude, and learning how to say no are all part of a self-care routine. Indulging in activities such as cleaning your…

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Learn the Secret of Decoding Facial Expressions

Decoding facial expressions is key to understanding nonverbal communication. Researchers, such as Dr Paul Ekman (whose work was featured on TV series “Lie to Me”) have studied this aspect of body language extensively. He established seven universal microexpressions to represent emotions like disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness surprise and contempt….

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Case Study: Successful Business Transformations

Transformation involves vast changes to technology, business models and ways of working that may prove challenging during a pandemic like COVID-19; especially for management teams tasked with keeping their companies operational while protecting employees and customers. McKinsey research indicates that for transformations to succeed, they must be built into both…

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Advantages of Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Small businesses need to recognize that they cannot manage all aspects of their operations on their own; outsourcing can be an invaluable asset in this regard. Outsourcing often carries negative connotations; however, it can actually be an excellent way for small business owners to increase efficiencies and compete against larger…

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Transforming Your Business With Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, or internet-based promotion, is an increasingly effective method of reaching customers and increasing sales. Digital marketing differs significantly from traditional methods in that it allows businesses to target specific groups of people directly and monitor customer behavior in real time. Reaching a Wider Audience Digital marketing presents you…

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Pros and Cons of Remote Work for Businesses

Remote work not only saves on rent, furniture and supplies costs but it can also increase employee satisfaction. Working from home allows employees to avoid distractions that might hinder productivity in an office environment. But this arrangement can also lead to feelings of isolation among workers who do not interact…

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The Role of Customer Service in Business Growth

Customer service is one of the cornerstones of business success, and those at successful organizations understand this reality well enough to know that it can make or break their company by prioritizing customer happiness. Equipping your customer service team with the appropriate tools, training and technology will enable them to…

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Using Social Media for Effective Business Promotion

Businesses can utilize social media to market their products and services, share company updates with customers and increase brand recognition. They can also use it to provide value to followers by teaching something, making them laugh or providing entertainment. Social media can help humanize your business and build trust among…

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Mistakes You Can Make As a New Boss

As a new manager, you have much to learn. However, it’s essential that you avoid making common errors that could tarnish your reputation and relationships with colleagues. Unfortunately, many of these mistakes can be avoided. By following a few simple guidelines, you will lay the groundwork for an excellent leadership…

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Bad Habits That Are Actually Good For You

Contrary to what you may have been taught, many of your supposedly “bad” habits can actually be beneficial for you. Whether taking a nap, drinking occasionally or indulging in some indulgences now and again, scientific research supports those practices. The key to breaking bad habits is identifying their root cause….

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What Does it Mean to Be a Fair Leader?

Among the key elements of being a fair leader, is having a clear and consistent set of policies and standards. By recognizing and removing biases, you can help establish a culture where your followers always know what is expected of them. You can also encourage your employees to be productive…

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The 7 Cs of Team Resilience

Whether you’re a manager, an athlete, or an aspiring athlete, you can apply these seven tips to help you be more resilient in the face of setbacks. The 7 Cs of Team Resilience are Commitment, Communication, Compassion, Courage, Collaboration, Conflict Management, and Creativity. By applying these tips, you can improve…

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Coaching Vs Training Vs Consulting

Whether you are looking for a one-off coaching service or for more regular, in-depth training and consulting, there are a variety of options to choose from. The key is to understand what kind of coaching and training will best suit your needs. Business coaching Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an executive…

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What Is Instructional Design?

During the past few years, the field of Instructional Design has become increasingly popular. This is because it can help you to design and develop educational materials to meet the needs of your students. The process of creating instructional materials can involve a number of different steps, such as the…

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The Unspoken Rules About Teaching

Whether you’re a student or an educator, there are many unspoken rules about teaching. This is because there are so many different styles and personalities that can affect how a teacher can interact with their students. Here are just a few of the rules you should be familiar with. Treat…

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