How to Figure Out What Motivates Others

Great leaders recognize the significance of motivation as a crucial aspect of workplace success. They understand that everyone has unique drives and interests to nurture within them. An effective way to motivate your team is by understanding what inspires them and asking about their most awe-inspiring experiences. This is a…

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How to Cope With the Loneliness of Leadership

Uncomfortably resides the head that wears the crown, and leaders often find themselves fighting loneliness. Loneliness can impede their effectiveness as leaders as well as cause issues within their teams. New leaders often feel isolated while learning their roles and can feel overwhelmed. There are, however, ways of combatting loneliness…

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The Truth About Leadership

Kouzes and Posner offer ten time-tested fundamental truths of leadership that remain universal, no matter the circumstance or situation. Their lessons apply equally to new leaders as to experienced ones. Truth #1: Leadership starts with believing you can make a difference, then building trust by cultivating credibility to inspire a…

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The Dose Of Leadership Podcast

Dose Of Leadership is an incredible podcast that shares leadership lessons from all areas, such as celebrities, military heroes and business people. Patrick Lencioni’s podcasts for young entrepreneurs can be an invaluable source of support and advice. Covering all topics related to business, Lencioni provides invaluable advice that’s easy for…

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Spend Your Time Feeding Your Soul

No one can sell their soul to attain material success; but by engaging in spiritual self-care practices you can nurture it and provide nourishment to it. Helping others, practicing gratitude, and learning how to say no are all part of a self-care routine. Indulging in activities such as cleaning your…

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Learn the Secret of Decoding Facial Expressions

Decoding facial expressions is key to understanding nonverbal communication. Researchers, such as Dr Paul Ekman (whose work was featured on TV series “Lie to Me”) have studied this aspect of body language extensively. He established seven universal microexpressions to represent emotions like disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness surprise and contempt….

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